Friday, November 9, 2007


All Knowledge about outside world.

Knowledge that’s takes us towards the subjective experience of the Reality within.

Atheists don’t believe any fundamental truth other than the body and
manifested world. They don’t believe in Vedas as a means of Knowledge. They believe
in knowledge gained by direct perception. Since the Atman can’t be perceived through
any direct means, they don’t believe in the divinity of Atman.
Atheistic Atheism
Complete Atheists.
Carvakas believe that the goal of life is happiness existence in complete
sensuousness, unrestrained by any principles, moral or ethical. They believe
that we come from no where and go no where, but just exist. The only goal of life
is joy of eating and indulging.
Buddha denied Vedas all authority. Within Buddhist, the Ashtavadin’s believe
that the Eternal is “non-existent”. Where as Kshanika-Vigyana Vadins contend
that the Eternal is ever changing series of consciousness-flickering in the
Atheistic Theism
Though they do not believe in Vedas, but they do believe in subtler truth
other than body and gross objects of world.
Mahavir Jain denied any authority to Vedas, but believed in Eternal Truth
which is constant, permanent, perfect and blissful.
Theistic Atheism
Theistic Atheists do believe in declaration of Vedas but do not believe in One
Devine Eternal Factor as truth. They believe that the truth can’t be realized only
by study, reflection and deep meditation of upanishdic declarations.
Tarka Sastra
Vyesesika (By Kanada)
Nyaya (By Gautama)
Saamkya is the most scientific, rational, analytical and perhaps most
appealing to modern mind.
Nir Iswara Samkya (By Kapila)
Kapila’s philosophy believes that the existence is made up of Prakruti
(Nature) and divine spark (Purusha). But Kapila does not believe in any
God Principle.
Sa Iswara Samkya (By Patanjali)
Patanjali adds a God’s principle in the form of a manifested God (Isvara).
Purva Mimasa (By Jaimini)
In Jaimini’s Philosophy, the individual has to faithfully follow the ritualistic
portions of Vedas, because of which infinite merits will accrue. To enjoy the
fruits of such merits, the individual soul will get a chance to live for a fixed
period of time in a realm of consciousness where they could experience
subtler and more intense sensual enjoyments. This temporary real is
conceived as Heaven, Kailasm or Vaikuntam.
Theistic Theism
Theistic theism believe not only in Vedas but also in the teaching of Upanishads.
They believe in the one divine Brahman who is one Eternal Truth as declared by
Upanishads. Vyasa (Badarayana) had crystallized this philosophy in Brahma
Uttara Mimasa (Upanishdic)
Advaitam is propagated and made popular by Sri Sankara. This believes in
the Brahman is non-dual truth is the only one and that this Brahman has no
attributes. There is no difference between Jiva and Brahman at a micro
level. The world of existence is nothing but an illusion termed as “maya”.
Sankara proposes the Path of Knowledge towards the realization of this
Visishta Advaitam
Originated and Propagated by Sri Ramanuja, this philosophy believes in
equality of all Jivas, but as a separate from that of One Truth, the Brahman
who is endowed with infinite auspicious qualities. Sri Ramanuja proposes
Path of Bhakti towards realization of the goal.
This philosophy was originated by Sri Madhava. Dvaitis believe
in individual separate from another individual and the divine principle, the
Brahman is separate from all the individuals. Path of Bhakti is paramount in
this philosophy.

1 comment:

Umadevi said...

Sudesh garu,

Wow! I didn't know this side of yours. Excellent ga undi, keep posting!